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Benefits of Working with Four Local Organizations: This collaboration allows us to stay attuned to their most current needs and galvanize our efforts to make a significant impact. Each organization aligns with ETHOS core values and has been thoroughly vetted for transparency and accountability.

Costs vary based on desired participation. Time or money can be donated to any organization, and each has different levels of involvement based on group interests.
For nine years, this nonprofit in the Savannah community has been ensuring families have food for weekends, along with school supplies, financial literacy programs, and additional support to uplift the community where its founder grew up.
They strategically address homelessness as a coordinating and leading body in Chatham County, working towards achieving "Functional Zero" to reduce homelessness.
They have built a community of single moms that can come together as they are and be a system of support to each other with an ultimate goal of self sufficiency.
Ways to get involved
Cleanups, restocks and donating needed supplies.
Are advocates for orphans globally, raising community awareness about the orphan crises, and supporting foster and adoptive families by addressing their spiritual, emotional, and educational needs.
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